
During Pregnancy

When expecting parents get the news that their child might have SB, one of the first thing parents want to know is what they can do RIGHT NOW to help their child. In terms of medical intervention, the only option is fetal surgery. Other than that, treat your pregnancy just as you would a typical pregnancy; eat right, get lots of rest and take care of yourself.

Outside of medical interventions, there are some other things you can do to begin preparing for your little one's arrival:

Have your OB/GYN Refer you to a Perinatologist
SB pregnancies are considered "high risk" and as such, many OB/GYNs do not have the training or equipment to properly manage an SB pregnancy. Perinatologists are specialized doctors who work with high risk pregnancies.

It is a wonderful community that will give you the support, encouragement and answers you need and want.

Chances are, you will want to start applying for various government programs once your little one has arrived. It is far easier to start assembling that information now than trying to scramble once your wee one is here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will I be able to have a natural childbirth?
Due to the nature of Spina Bifida, most babies with SB are delivered via cesarean, usually a week or two before their due date.

Will I be able to see my baby once he/she is born?
Most likely. The hospital's main concern is to stabilize the mother and stabilize the child. That usually means mom gets a quick look and kiss before the baby is taken to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Once mom is stabilized in her hospital room, she can be wheeled down to the NICU.

Will I be able to breastfeed my baby?
Most likely. Because the mother can't be down in the NICU 24 hours a day (she needs her rest too), most likely they will have you pump breast milk which will be given to the baby by bottle when mom is sleeping / eating etc.

Will we be able to have visitors in the NICU?
Maybe. Each hospital has different rules so you will want to check with them.

How long will my baby be in the NICU?
That depends on the severity of the baby's condition. Most likely mom will be discharged a few days before the baby is.

We live far away from the hospital, how will I be able to visit my baby once I am discharged?
Check with your hospital. Many hospitals (especially children's hospitals) have facilities where out of town parents can stay. Ronald McDonald Houses are a perfect example.

Parent's Note:
Our Annie was delivered via cesarian around 1pm . Mommy got a quick look and a kiss while the Drs were closing her (my wife) up. I (dad) walked with a team of nurses down to the NICU as they carried the wee one. Once my wife was closed, they wheeled her down to the NICU on a gurney so she could see the wee one once more. Then my wife was taken to her room where she was required to wait twelve hours before she could eat solid food. Once she proved she could eat solid food (she crammed a handful of crackers in her mouth around 1am) and keep it down, she was allowed to be wheeled to the NICU (in a wheelchair) to hold the wee one.

It was a good lesson: If you don't first take care of yourself, you won't be able to take care of anyone else.

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